5 Ways You Can Organise Your Workshop
Organising your workshop is a fantastic way to optimise working efficiency, reduce picking and packing time, and even improve your order to delivery time for greater customer satisfaction. A large workshop can be daunting to organise, particularly if it has been left disorganised and cluttered, but here are 5 simple ways to get started when organising your workshop space:
1. Utilise easy storage options
For smaller items, bins and totes are ideal for organising, helping you to keep things together and easy to find! Using these on shelves or freestanding will reduce waste as no items will be forgotten or lost, and different sized storage options will suit different items. A variety of coloured bins can be used for easy product organisation, which is a really simple way to help you to stay ordered and declutter your workshop.
2. Filing systems
Filing systems are another great way to order items and be clear about your current inventory. These are traditionally good for offices, but every workshop will have administrative requirements, and this is a strong way to ensure that everything is accounted for and kept in an accessible location for reference. This has a knock-on effect on your product storage as it means that everything is logged and information can be found easily when required.
3. Shelving and carousels
Shelving is not just useful for helping you to use space efficiently in your workshop, but it should also cater for all the products to support their weight and the capacity required. There are a huge variety of shelving options available, including static or mobile options, because one size doesn’t necessarily fit all. It’s important to find out which options are the best suited to your workshop space for practical and safety reasons, but once these are in place, your products will be clearly displayed and easy to access.
4. Mezzanines and use of space
To really get the most out of your limited space, mezzanines are a solution that provides additional levels of storage. These are particularly suited where ceiling heights are high and there is extra space that could be utilised. This can help you to organise your workshop whilst cutting the costs that may be incurred by purchasing or renting additional floor space.
5. Assessing your storage requirements
The best way to organise your workshop is to assess your requirements and areas to improve. A storage requirements audit can help you to decide which options are the best suited to your workshop and environment, to provide a solution that allows you to make the best of your space.
To request a storage requirements audit, get in touch with Randex today on 0208 492 7717.